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Strohmer, Janina, Department of Psychology, University of Education Kunzenweg 21, 79117 Freiburg, Germany (Germany)
Strongman, Luke
Subak, E.
Subak, Erdem
Subedi, Bidya Raj, The School District of Palm Beach County, 3300 Forest Hill Blvd., West Palm Beach, Florida 33406, U.S.A. (United States)
Suk-erb, Wipanee (Thailand)
Sülükçü, Yusuf, Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi (Turkey)
Sun, Liuhua
Sünbül, Zeynep Aydın, Istanbul Medipol University (Turkey)
Süral, Serhat
Swan, Malcolm
Swazo, Roberto, University of Northern Iowa (United States)

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