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Falasz, Adam
Falk, Diane S., Stockton University (United States)
Farhat, Amal, Lebanese international university (Lebanon)
Farland-Smith, Donna
Farsi, Mohammed
Fatourou, Polina, Center for Educational Policy Development of the Greek General Confederation of Labor, Athens, Greece (Greece)
Faucher, Chantal, Simon Fraser University (Canada)
Fazlıoğlu, Yeşim (Turkey)
Feng Qiang, Gao
Ferah, Hatice Ozturk, Hacettepe University (Turkey)
Fernández-Berrocal, Pablo
Ferreira, Carlos Miguel, University of the Azores (Portugal)
Fethney, Judith
Fettahlıoğlu, Pınar, Cukurova University Education Faculty Science Education Department (Turkey)
Fettahlıoğlu, Pınar, Cukurova University, Faculty Of Education, Science Education Department (Turkey)
Fichten, Catherine S.
Fichten, Catherine
Fichten, Catherine, Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, Dawson College, Adaptech Research Network (Canada)
Figueroa-Rodríguez, Sebastián
Finch, Kim
Finch, W. Holmes
Fırat, Necla Şahin (Turkey)
Fitnat, Koseoglu, Gazi University
Fitzpatrick, Caroline, Alvernia University
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Paper Submission E-mail: jets@redfame.com
Journal of Education and Training Studies ISSN 2324-805X (Print) ISSN 2324-8068 (Online)
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