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Kocbeker-Eid, Beyhan Nazli, Necmettin Erbakan University (Turkey)
Koch, Marta
Koçoğlu, Erol, Inonu University (Turkey)
Koerber, Susanne, University of Education Freiburg (Germany)
Kokkonen, Marja, Department of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyvaskyla (Finland)
Kokotsaki, Dimitra, Kokotsaki
Köksal, Eda Çürükvelioğlu
Koksoy, Aylin Mentis
Kölbel, Martin
Komatsu, Kayoko, Tokyo University of the Arts (Japan)
Komulainen, Erkki (Finland)
Konak, Armağan
Kong, Yu Tina
Kontaş, Hakkı
Konyalıoglu, Alper Cihan
Koomen, Michele Hollingsworth
Koparan, Timur, Bülent Ecevit University
Koparan, Timur, Bülent Ecevit University (Turkey)
Kopczynski, Marcos Cammarosano, University of São Paulo (Brazil)
Korat, Ofra
Korkmaz, Celalettin
Korkud, Aydın Mehmet, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi (Turkey)
Korkut, Perihan, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University (Turkey)
Korkutata, Abdulmenaf (Turkey)
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Paper Submission E-mail: jets@redfame.com
Journal of Education and Training Studies ISSN 2324-805X (Print) ISSN 2324-8068 (Online)
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