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Baran, Mukadder, Hakkari University (Turkey)
Bardakçı, Mehmet, Gaziantep University (Turkey)
Bargal, Basma
Barnes, Jonathan, Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK (United Kingdom)
Barnes, Jonathan M
Barnes, Jonathan, 1 - Fistula Care Centre, Bwaila Maternity Hospital, Lilongwe, Malawi 2 - Department of Intensive Care Medicine, University College Hospital, 235 Euston Road, London, UK (United Kingdom)
Barreto Camboim Gonçalves, Michela, Doctor of Economics and Research Fellow at Fundação Joaquim Nabuco / Ministry of Education, Recife, Brazil (Brazil)
Barri, Moatasim A., Taibah University (Saudi Arabia)
Bartlett, James Joseph, Lamar University
Barut, Ali İlhan
Barwińska-Małajowicz, Anna (Poland)
Baş, Aslı Uz, Dokuz Eylül University (Turkey)
Bas, Mustafa
Baş, Özlem
Başal, Ahmet, Yildiz Technical University (Turkey)
Başaran, Banu Çiçek
Basaran, Bulent
Basaran, Zekiye
Basilio, Pedro Henrique Gunha, Faculdades Pequeno Príncipe (Brazil)
Basoglu, Umut Davut, High school of Physical Education and Sports, Nisantasi University (Turkey)
Basoglu, Umut Davut, Nisantasi University, High school of Physical Education and Sports (Turkey)
Baştuğ, Gülsüm (Turkey)
Baştürk, Dede, Kırşehir Ahi Evran University (Turkey)
Baştürk, Savaş, Sinop University (Turkey)
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Paper Submission E-mail: jets@redfame.com
Journal of Education and Training Studies ISSN 2324-805X (Print) ISSN 2324-8068 (Online)
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