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Yamasaki, Katsuyuki, Department of Psychology and Educational Science, Naruto University of Education (Japan)
Yan, Jin, 1, Faculty of Education and Arts, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia. 2, Priority Research Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition, University of Newcastle, University Drive, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia. (China)
Yang, Liheng
Yang, Ling (China)
Yang, Mei
Yang, Xinxiao, Zhejiang Normal University (China)
Yangin, Selami, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University (Turkey)
Yangın, Selami
Yanik, Mehmet, Balıkesir University
Yanling, Liu, Mental Health Education Research Center of Southwest University, Chongqing,China (China)
Yapıcı, Ayşegül, Pamukkale University, Faculty of Sport Sciences (Turkey)
Yapıcı, Hakkı
Yapici, İ. Ümit, Dicle University, Faculty of Education Department of Biology Education (Turkey)
Yarar, Gokhan, Gazi Universty, Department of Educational Sciences, ANKARA (Turkey)
Yarim, İmdat
Yariv, Eliezer
Yaşar, M. Diyaddin, Harran University (Turkey)
Yaşartürk, Fatih, Bartin University, School of Physical Education and Sport (Turkey)
Yavaş, Pervin Ünlü, Gazi University (Turkey)
Yavich, Roman
Yavuz, Emine
Yavuz, Güneş, Istanbul University, Hasan Ali Yücel Educatıon Faculty (Turkey)
Yavuz, Mehmet
Yavuz, Mehmet (Turkey)
Yavuz, Merve

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