Opinions of Art Teachers on the Standards of the International Society for Technology in Education: The Case of Western Mediterranean Region, Turkey
The purpose of this study, which is based on qualitative data, is to reveal the opinions of art teachers on the teacher standards set by the International Society for Technology in Education.
It has been observed that the majority of participants of a study group are not aware of these standards, use social networks but do not use mobile applications, use the Internet for information-research purposes, and follow a news from the Internet. The participants think that students should be directed to conscious Internet use and must be educated accordingly.
The study group is of the opinion that technology and the teachers’ field knowledge should be included in education training to facilitate the learning of students and to stimulate their creativity. Group members also believe that classical education and original activity design should be utilized in the design and development of learning experiences and evaluation activities, and the use of technology and applications that focus on students in order to be an example on studying and learning in this information age is needed. According to the participants, art teachers should inform students about conscious use of the Internet, and teach them to integrate life-long learning with real-life situations by participating in professional development-leadership activities. One of the participants thinks that excessive use of technology during classes will make students become used to excessive comfort. Another participant is of the opinion that the use of technology in the learning environment will not be useful.
As a result of the study, the following suggestions are offered.
- Art teachers can be informed about teacher standards.
- Art teachers can be given training about involving technology in teaching-learning processes, about learning experiences and the design of the evaluation activities, and life-long learning and professional development.
- Studies that emphasize the importance of the use of technological resources in education can be conducted.
- Art teachers can be informed about conscious Internet use.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.11114/jets.v6i3.2858
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