A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Proverbs Using Natural Semantic Metalanguage Approach
The current study investigates the similarities and differences between ‘equivalent’ proverbs in English and Chinese. It integrates natural semantic metalanguage (NSM) into a semantic and pragmatic analysis to explain differences in proverbs as cultural linguistic artifacts. In this study, NSM has enabled the cultural meanings behind the artifacts to be brought into stark contrast for careful qualitative discourse analysis. The findings of the study indicate that it is not only worthwhile but also practical to carefully examine English and Chinese proverb pairs, as their respective meanings may differ, offering unique insight into certain cultural factors. There is much potential for further research on linguistic cultural indicators such as proverbs, song lyrics, and idioms.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.11114/ijecs.v2i1.3951
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International Journal of English and Cultural Studies
ISSN (2575-811X) E-ISSN (2575-8101)
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