Analysis of the Furniture Industrial Panorama, in Brazil, in Relation to the Adoption of Industry 4.0 Technologies

Dusan Schreiber, Alexandre André Feil, Cristiane Froehlich, Vilson José Becker


The furniture industry is a traditional segment, with a global presence, and as in other markets and segments, globalization has contributed to creating an environment of fierce competition between small, medium and large companies. China, the European Union and the United States are the biggest producers and also the biggest consumers of furniture products. Brazil is also included in this market, but with lower production and consumption volumes. The objective of this study is to analyze panorama of the furniture industry in Brazil and abroad, in relation to the adoption of industry 4.0 technologies to foster new working conditions and productivity. In this work, authors opted for the format of reflective theoretical essay, based on the result of systematic review of literature, performed in Scopus, in February, 2023, employing keywords “Furniture manufacturing” and “Industry 4.0”, with any other restrictions. Only 47 articles were published in this timeline. Analyzing these articles was evidenced that main obstacles to the adoption of technologies I4.0 is related to the insufficient proofs of the advantages and benefits that these technologies may provide for furniture manufacturing process, lack of the awareness of the employees to enable internalization of knowledge about technologies of 4.0 industry. To accomplish this will be necessary to perform actions to establish collaborative networks, both internal and external, to validate the new organizational practices/ routines, and consolidate its adoption in the manufacturing environment. As conclusion of the study is possible to state that the lack of knowledge of I4.0 technologies and their benefits, by workforce and organizational managers also, lack of financing sources and of government policies to foster adoption of technologies I4.0 are among main obstacles to the adoption of the technologies of industry 4.0. Reducing the distance between universities and industries, investing in R&D, using already available and low-cost technologies and adopting proven and established production methods were also highlighted as premises for I4's technologies and that may to succeed in the furniture segment. I4.0 technologies show the potential to maximize productivity and profitability by reducing lead time, operating costs, increasing quality, flexibility of the operational process, in addition to differentiated design. 

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